Sunday, 31 May 2015

Dairy Free Chocolate Ganache

The hardest part of making large cakes Gluten and Dairy free is that the icing tends to be either super sweet or super soft. Chocolate ganache is the go to for all those dairy eaters out there, the cocoa butter helps with stability ( so no need to add a heap of icing sugar to compensate) and the cream gives it a lovely texture.
There it is, cream.

My "ganache" tastes just as good and works well as a stable cupcake topping, sandwich cookie filling flood barrier for torte cakes and crumb coat for under fondant or modelling chocolate

You will need

200g Dark Chocolate
50ml Coconut cream
100g Butter Substitute
100g Regular Sugar

Put everything except the chocolate into a small saucepan and heat until all the sugar has dissolved

Remove from the heat and add the chocolate while its still warm

Let sit for a minute or so to melt the chocolate and then stir thoroughly until there are no more lumps

Let sit until completely cool, You can speed this up by popping the pot into the fridge for 30-45 minutes if you're in a hurry

Whip the cooled mixture on a high speed until light and fluffy for a great, creamy cupcake topping or cookie filling or leave as is and pour over cakes/cupcakes for a smooth, shiny finish.

I whipped mine and used it to make sandwich cookies with some of the leftover cookies I froze from a previous post click here  for that recipe.

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